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My Dear Baby 조연우 기자 2024-05-08 20:10:36

 May is the family month, and there are several holidays for family such as Children’s Day and Parent’s Day. In one’s childhood, people look forward to Children’s Day the most. However, as time goes on, people care more about Parent’s Day rather than Children’s Day, and this is evidence of growth. It is said that children make our lives anew. On the other hand, half of our parent’s life is spent with us. When were our parents’ happiest moments when raising us? Pharos tried to feel their love through an interview.

Q.  When was the happiest moment while raising your child? 

Bo Youn’s Parents : I was always happy to be with Bo Youn. When she was young, she looked pretty when she slept. Also, I suppressed a smile when she learned how to speak. After she entered university, I felt so proud of her when she got a scholarship for four years. We are always thankful and happy because we have Bo Youn. Stay healthy in college and we always cheer for our wonderful daughter. I love you~

Hyeon Seo’s Parents : Hyeon Seo bought chicken from Gangneung because she wanted to give it to her family. It was a trivial scene that anyone can do, but I think she’s saying “Mom, I’m growing up!” I feel happy with everything Hyun Seo does these days. Hyun Seo, you’re doing your best now! I love you Hyun Seo~

Yeon Woo’s Parents : When she was 4 years old, I saw her dancing and walking on the way home after playing at the amusement park. That scene is a happy and lovely memory to me. Whatever you do Yeon Woo, I’m always cheering for you! Love you my eldest daughter.

Seo Yun’s Parents : Our daughter Yun has a warm heart and rational thinking. Since she grew up, she has given me realistic advice like a best friend. As a mother, it’s such a wonderful moment. You’re doing well now, Seo Yun. I always support you. You can come to me whenever you want. I love you, my daughter.

Hye Seung’s Parents : All of the time raising Hye Seung has been happy. Among them, I think I was happiest when Hye Seung was born. The day she was born, we became a father and mother. Hye Seung, I hope you continue to live happily and brightly like now! I love you.

Jun Hong’s Parents : I don’t think that I can pick one moment. However I’m always happy that Jun Hong grew up healthy and nice. He has always been considerate of others, been humble, and been helpful to society. Love you.

Yu Jin’s Parents : Most parents will remember an overwhelming moment when their baby was born. I feel so happy when our family and Yu Jin are together in the house normally. I am always happy to be with her. She is my love. I really want to say that if you don’t behave, you will get nothing. I hope Yu Jin achieves whatever she wants by converting ideas into action.

Tae Woo’s Parents : When Tae Woo was a high schooler, he got great grades with endless effort. I still remember his joyful acting, proud expression and smiles. I hope Tae Woo doesn’t hesitate to try anything. If he can learn something small in the process, I think it was time well spent. I hope Tae Woo grows up to be a great human being.

Keum Hyun’s Parents : I am always happy to be with Keum Hyun. I’m thankful to him for growing as a healthy, reliable man. I felt happy as a parent when I saw him spending time with his family. I will definitely support Keum Hyun’s life.

Min Seop’s Parents : When you entered the world, we were so happy. You make us happy through tiny moments with unforgettable memories. I’m proud of you for being alone in another place. I hope you can enjoy various experiences in the world and find your future. Mom and Dad will support you. We love you our son.

Se Ryoung’s Parents : Se Ryoung always makes her parents happy. One of the happiest moments with Se Ryoung is the day she came to us for the first time. I think you have done well so far. I’m sure you’ll be a great student. I love you!

Chae Eun’s Parents : On my birthday, Chae Eun, who was a high school student, left a letter and small present on my table. I was really touched beyond words as I read the two letters that she carefully wrote. I hope you always believe in yourself. Mom and dad will pray for you and respect your choice. We love you our daughter, Chae Eun.

 According to the answers, parents don’t choose one special memory. The memories about daily life warm our hearts. Parents are our trustworthy assistants or old friends who can tell what’s in our heart. People have to remember their respect and love for their parents. Pharos hopes that our readers take this opportunity to ask questions of your parents. “Mom, or Dad, when was the happiest moment after I was born?” Wait for them to respond. The time spent thinking is their love. 

77th Reporter • JOE YEON WOO • amyjoe0213@naver.com


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