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Marine Day 김유진 수습기자 2024-05-08 19:58:35

 Every year, May 31st is designated as Marine Day. Marine Day is a legal holiday when people can reflect on the importance and meaning of the ocean. The Regional Maritime Affairs and Port Office, the Maritime Police Station, the Navy, the Marine Corps, and related organizations all host various events. They provide chances for people to learn about ocean resources through ocean cleaning, national enlightenment, protection of marine resources, and diverse campaigns.


Q1. Marine Day was declared a legal holiday in Korea in 1996. (o, x)

Q2. The reason that Marine Day was designated on May 31st is to celebrate Bo-go Jang installing (   ).

Q3. Different from in Korea, Marine Day is celebrated on May (   ) in America.

Q4. A (   ) contest is held to celebrate Marine Day every year.

Q5. This endangered species is called ‘nunjeolmi.’ It has soft white wool as a baby, so it is hot on social media. This animal’s wool color changes with age. What is the name of this animal? 

Q6. Which is not a way individuals can protect the ocean? 

1. We should recognize the importance of the ocean. 

2. We should throw garbage in the ocean. 

3. We shouldn’t hunt marine life. 

4. We shouldn’t carelessly feed marine life.

Send your answers here! instagram : @kgu_pharos | e-mail : kgu_pharos@naver.com 


 The ocean exists in the world as the base of life and it has been an important resource for a long time. Humanity has developed as time has gone by, but the environment of the ocean has become worse. Protecting the ocean is everyone’s duty. People should reflect on the importance of the ocean once again on Marine Day on May 31st.

80th Reporter • KIM YU JIN • yujinkim627@gmail.com


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