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All Emotions are Irreplaceable: Inside Out 남혜승 기자 2024-05-08 19:45:24

 In life, everyone feels complex emotions in every moment. Also, we start and end various relationships with many inner emotions. Therefore, we grow up by experiencing emotions. The 2015 Disney movie Inside Out represents one adolescent girl’s life with the major emotions of Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust, and Anger. This movie evokes our sympathy through many everyday life situations that we have experienced, such as conflict with parents and friends and awkward moments at the start of the new semester. We can learn some new English expressions from the movie Inside Out!

 Scene) Riley is having a conversation with her parents about the day after she moved to the new school.

[Riley]: School was great, all right? (Annoyed face and sarcastic tone.)

            학교는 즐거웠어요, 됐죠?

[Fear]: What was that? I thought you said we were gonna *act casual!

            방금 뭐였어? 우리 평상시처럼 하자며!

[Mom]: Riley, is everything okay?

            라일리, 무슨 일 있니?

[The conversation of emotions in Riley’s dad’s head]: 

-Sir, she just rolled her eyes at us.

 지금 라일리가 우리를 보고 눈을 굴렸어요.

-All right, *make a show of force. I don’t want to have to *put the foot down.

 그렇군, 좀 세게 나가야겠어. 너무 단호하고 싶진 않아.

-No not the foot.

 단호한 건 좀 그렇죠.

[Dad]: Riley, I do not like this new attitude.

           라일리, 지금 너의 태도가 거슬리는구나.


✔ *Act casual

-‌‌Meaning:‌ 자연스럽게‌행동하다. 

-‌‌Example‌ sentence

I’m‌ so‌ nervous‌ today!‌ (나‌ 오늘‌ 너무‌ 떨려!) 

It’s‌ gonna‌ be‌ okay,‌ just‌ act‌ casual. (괜찮을‌ 거야,‌ 그냥‌ 자연스럽게‌ 행동해.)

✔ *Make a show of~

-‌‌Meaning:‌ to‌ be‌ ostentatious‌ about;‌ affect/~을‌ 과시하다(보여주다).‌

-‌‌Example‌ sentence

When ever‌ there‌ are‌ visitors,‌ the‌ boss‌ makes‌ a‌ show‌ of‌ being‌ nice‌ to‌ their‌ employees.‌ (방문객이‌ 있을‌ 때마다,‌사장님들은‌ 직원들에게‌ 친절한‌ 척합니다.)

✔ *Put one’s foot down

-‌‌Meaning:‌ to‌ act‌ firmly,‌ to‌ use‌ authority‌ to‌ stop‌ something‌ from‌ happening/단호한‌ 입장을‌ 보이다./권한을‌ 사용해‌ 일을‌ 막다.

-‌‌Example‌ sentence

I’m‌ putting‌ my‌ foot‌ down‌ on‌ this‌ one.‌(이‌ 문제에‌ 대해‌ 나는‌ 단호한‌ 입장이야.)

79th Reporter • NAM HYE SEUNG • namhyeseung50@gmail.com


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