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What Happened in KGU? : 사회과학대학 해오름제 편 남혜승 기자 2024-04-09 17:32:33

 On March 27th, 2024, the College of Social Science’s Haeorumje was hosted in the Tele-convention center. SO:ONE student council hosted the event, the College of Social Science student support team visitor, In-yeon student council president, and many visitors attended. 

 After introducing visitors, students could be reminded of the meaning of Haeorumje through the dean of the College of Social Science’s congratulatory message and the student council president’s valedictory. Next, departments’ student presidents marked the beginning as a cake-cutting ceremony and a champagne-tasting ceremony. 

 Students showed active participation through Kyonggi University public ambassador Kidaeju’s promotion and nonsense quiz. Also, the dance club GUEST and the cheer-leading team of the Department of Police Administration ‘Police’ heat up the atmosphere.

 People could feel unity through cheering and shouting during the department introduction time. Each department's student council performed individually. They introduced their major in interesting ways: by dancing, doing an homage to various movies or entertainment shows. It was an important time as they gave information about each major that belongs to the College of Social Science. Also, there was some time for a simple game. All students participated passionately. Lastly, the main event of Haeorumje, a group dancing contest was performed. Every freshman of each department danced to various genres. They prepared the performances with passion, so they could show perfect performances. Department of Police Administration won the contest consequentially.  


 Despite bad weather, many students attended Haeorumje. The College of Social Science made a successful event for students. Students can show their passion and potential talent through Haeorumje. Kyonggi University will develop higher this year with students' passion.

79th Reporter • CHO SEO YUN • jeoyum@gmail.com 

79th Reporter •  NAM HYE SEUNG • namhyeseung50@gmail.com   

80th Cub Reporter •  KIM YU JIN • yujinkim627@gmail.com 


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