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An End and a Beginning 정승혜 편집국장 2023-11-28 19:09:27

 The chilly season is already approaching and the year is passing by. Is everything going well? How has your 2023 been? I hope it was a year full of good things. Some things may leave you with regret. However, even in the process of regret, there will always be learning.

 Instead of being trapped in the feeling of regret, we should try to use it as a stepping stone to have the strength to move forward. As the year comes to an end, many things will be completed. Let’s finish well and prepare hard for new things to face in the future.

 With this issue, my term as editor-in-chief of Pharos comes to an end. Did I live up to your expectations? I pursued various changes and paid a lot of attention to the content. I hope our magazine publications in 2023 have been helpful and satisfying for you. Please have love for Pharos in the next year, and in the future as well. Thank you for everything.

Editor-in-Chief • JEONG SEUNGHYE • nora28@kyonggi.ac.kr

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