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Confidence Makes You Change 정승혜 편집국장 2024-01-24 14:33:29

 It’s really nice to meet everyone. I’m Seunghye Jeong, the new editor-in-chief of Pharos for 2023. I feel that confidence is really important in everyone’s life, so I’m going to tell you about how your life can be different if you have more confidence. If you get confidence, you can challenge yourself with a lot of experiences.                       

 This year, I challenged myself by applying for the position of editor-in-chief and I got it. Also, I went to America last semester as an exchange student. At first, I hesitated to apply for new things because I’m shy. However, I finally realized that time does not wait for me.


 If you hesitate to do something, time will just pass by. Don’t worry about what others are going to think about you. Just go for it. A little confidence will provide a lot of opportunities for you. I hope everyone has a wonderful experience in 2023. Pharos will always stand behind and support our Kyonggi University students. Good luck this year!

Editor-in-Cheif • JEONG SEUNG HYEnora28@kyonggi.ac.kr


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