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Let's Walk Together - Gyeongbokgung Palace 김다온 기자 2023-11-06 00:49:42

From the big rock of Baekak Mountain 

To small flower buds, 

Carrying those into our eyes over and over, 

It's not enough to hold these beautiful days 

Let's walk together

Let's walk together 

Stepping along, strolling together, with holding hands 

At sunset, at moonrise, even when stars are whispering, 

I don't fall asleep 

I'm always here

It's a beautiful palace every day 

My beautiful house, I can't get tired of looking at it 

Let's walk together

Let's walk together 

Stepping along, strolling together, holding hands 

Even when laughing out loud, sometimes shedding tears, 

I don't fall asleep 

I'm always here

Even if time passes by and you leave me someday 

I don't fall asleep 

I'm always here

♬ HAECHI - Ahn Yeeun

Planning & Marketing Editor • KIM DA ON • daonda0904@naver.com


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