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Capital Punishment: What Is the Right Choice? 김유진 수습기자 2023-11-28 19:10:25

 In 1997, Korea executed 23 convicts who were on death row. These days, there is moratorium on capital punishment, so people who are sentenced to execution are not actually executed. This is the reason why Amnesty International categorizes Korea as a country that has abolished execution. However, some argue that capital punishment is necessary for public safety because of crimes with abnormal motives such as random violence against innocent civilians, as can be seen in the recent Sillim-dong sexual assault and murder case. Pharos asked Kyonggi University students to participate in a survey regarding how they feel about capital punishment.


Most Kyonggi University students who participated in this survey say that they support the use of capital punishment. The biggest reason given is that it will be efficient in the prevention of repeated crime, and the second reason is that the victim's desire for revenge will be reduced. In addition, it is a proper punishment and can reduce government spending. However, students who oppose capital punishment said a long-term punishment is more powerful. The issue of human rights and accidentally executing innocent people were also reasons given. This is a big debate these days due to recent crimes in the news. Crime prevention is a duty of the nation, so citizens will decide whether capital punishment is appropriate or not.

80th Reporter • KIM YU JIN • yujinkim627@gmail.com

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