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Comma, 정승혜 편집국장 2023-05-01 10:38:27

 Good day! How is it going these days? I think most students at our university are working hard on finishing assignments and preparing for midterm exams. Working hard for the future is an important part of our lives. However, taking a rest should also be a mandatory part of our lives. 

 If you just run for the future and don’t look back, you can miss many important things. First of all, you have to take care of yourself. If you concentrate too much on your work, you might forget about your health. I recommend working out or making some time only for yourself. Furthermore, May is a month for the family, so I recommend that you spend some time with your family. 

 As I said above, running for the future is important but you have to think of yourself first. Assuming that life is a sentence, you should not only write the sentence but also give yourself a break by inserting a comma.

 I hope you all enjoy reading our articles. Pharos keeps trying to improve and develop the magazine, so we hope that you notice our hard work. Thank you.

Editor-in-Chief • JEONG SEUNG HYE • nora28@kyonggi.ac.kr


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