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Everybody “Stand-up”! 강시은 수습기자 2022-11-30 15:18:36


 Stand-up comedy is a comedic performance in front of a live audience in which the performer addresses the audience directly from the stage. The performer is known as a comedian, a comic or a stand-up comic.



Taylor Tomlinson: “Quarter Life Crisis” – Netflix and Youtube


 In this show, Taylor Tomlinson, who just turned 25, talks about lessons that she has learned as well as her feelings in her mid-20s.


 * Guts: 1. the internal organs of an animal

 2. used to talk about feelings, ideas, etc., that come from your emotions   and from what seems true or right rather than from logic or reason

 3. courage


  “That’s why you are thin in your 20’s. You don’t have a gut to listen to yet.”


 * Pep: to become more lively or active

 Pep talk: a short speech that is given to encourage someone to work harder, to feel more confident and enthusiastic, etc.


  “Have you tried to give yourself an adult pep talk lately?”


Ronny Chieng: “Asian Comedian Destroys America!” – Netflix and Youtube


 In this show, Ronny Chieng, who first became famous from Crazy Rich Asians, talks about his immigrant life, experience adjusting to NYC, and the difference between American and Asian culture.


 *From scratch: from a point at which nothing has been done yet


 “Risk it all to start from scratch in the Beautiful Country (美國).”


 *Call someone out: to criticize someone or ask them to explain their actions


 “No one made a dope black and white movie about it (Japanese imperialism) in the West, so it’s not common knowledge. If you didn’t know it, I’m not calling you out.”



Jimmy O. Yang: “Good Deal” – Amazon Prime and Youtube


 In this show, Jimmy O. Yang, who became famous on Silicon Valley and Space Force, talks about his life being Asian in the USA and what it’s like being a famous Asian actor.


 *First chair, second chair (in an orchestra): Concert Master, the principal second violin


 “One time I was talking about how I used to play the violin. Old Chinese lady sitting in the front just stood up and screamed out, ‘First chair or second chair?!’”



Why Stand-Up Comedy Is Useful for Studying English


 Stand-up comedy shows include only a mic stand and a chair as props. Many comedians don’t even use them and instead just use the microphone. It shows that performers have remarkable speaking skills which can make people concentrate for more than 20 minutes in a row. Also they are supposed to have fine diction and intonation, so it’s also good for practicing listening skills. 

 Furthermore, this comedy genre is typically trendy and contains many cultural references so you can learn not only about the country’s culture but also slang. Even if you don’t spend much time watching it, the stories progress quickly so you can absorb a lot of information while naturally learning linguistic collocations.

78th Cub Reporter • KANG SEE EUN • ks3en29@gmail.com


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