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Enjoying the Delight of the Moment, Just Like a Stray Cat 최보윤 수습기자 2021-10-27 21:08:09

Most stray cats are striving hard to survive due to the intense competition among them. In this respect, their lives seem similar to modern people's tough lives. However, since we can often see stray cats that are peacefully resting, their lives aren't that tough after all. If there's an uphill, there's a downhill, and if there's a tough time in life, there's a joyful time, too. It is such an obvious thing to say. The problem is that many people sometimes forget this common sense. If your life looks to be full of despair now, look at the cats in the street. Look at them and believe that better days will come if you endure this difficult period a little more. When happiness finally arrives, enjoy the delight of the moment without any doubt or worry. Just like a stray cat.

76th Cub Reporter·CHOI BO YOUN·invierno.y@kyonggi.ac.kr


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