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What Is Your MBTI? 공진영 수습기자 2020-09-10 00:18:43



 These days when people meet each other, they often ask, “What is your MBTI?” When we are curious about a particular person or want to know his or her tendencies, we often ask about the MBTI. The MBTI is a selfreporting personality test tool based on psychological typology. It is used in many places that value people’s relationships because it does not take long to analyze and is accessible to everyone.


 MBTI stands for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and is a psychological test based on Carl Gustav Jung’s psychological type theory. The MBTI classifies examinees into one of 16 psychological types according to four classification criteria: Exteriorinternal (E-I) indicators of the direction of mental energy, sensory-intuitive (S-N) indicators that show cognitive functions, including information collection, thought-emotion (T-F) indicators that rationally judge based on collected information, and judgment-recognition (J-P) indicators that show the way of life that recognition and judgment functions are applied to everyday life.


 Among the 16 personality types, the most preferred function between recognition (S or N) and judgment (T or F) is called periodic function, and the function supporting periodic function is referred to as a minor function. In each of these 16 personality types, people have different periodicity and minor functions. Next, let’s look at the typical characteristics of the 16 personality types. For the first main type, the second position after I (Internal) will be S or N, the third one will be T or F, and the fourth one will be J or P, and the third one will be classified into eight categories. ISTJ people are realistic and conservative. The ISFJ person is patient and sensitive to other’s emotional changes. INFJ individuals are highly insightful and value community interests, and INTJ people are independent and analytical. The ISTP person is taciturn and adaptable, and ISFP individuals are modest and relaxed. INFP people are open and have a strong inner belief system and INTP individuals are characterized by a high degree of intellectual curiosity. For the next main personality type, the outgoing type of person, in the first position is an E (Experior), but the other three places can ve filled to make eight alphabetic combinations, such as the one for inwardlooking individuals. ESTP people are compromising and have excellent problem-solving skills. The ESFP person is curious and open, and the ENFP type is quick-witted and imaginative. ENTP individuals are unique and always make attempts to do new things. ESTJ people are good at following rules and setting goals, while the ESFJ type of perso is kind and compassionate. ENFJ people are sociable and sensitive to criticism, and the ENTJ person is active and commanding.


 The MBTI became known slowly as it was largely used only for personality test purposes at certain times, such as when schools needed to give advice about career choices. “In terms of psychological measurement, the MBTI’s reliability is high,” said the head of the MBTI’s research department in Korea. “If the MBTI, which searches for preferences and categorizes them into 16 personality types, is not conducted by experts, it is highly likely that it will be affected by the environment and conditions in which it is administered.” He added that the free test available online is not a formal one with proven reliability and validity. Therefore, it is not right to use it to reveal one’s personality type characteristics in areas where one wants to work professionally, although one can identify one’s personality type and utilize that part in areas of daily life.


 The MBTI is not an analytical inspection tool that can fully demonstrate individual personality traits. However, it can be used for fun to learn about someone and get a glimpse of his or her personality. In this regard, the MBTI can be used as a way for us to have fun in our daily relationships.



74th Cub ReporterGONG JINYOUNGwlsdud03520@naver.com


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