기사 메일전송
Cleanly, Purely, Confidently
  • 최수진 정기자
  • 등록 2017-09-11 10:13:35


 Detoxing is becoming popular as a health trend that is going on nowadays. A detox is a method of removing toxins stored inside the body. Among the various methods, one of the most popular methods is the juice cleanse, which is a therapy for discharging toxic substances in the body while drinking the juice of fruits and vegetables. Toxins are removed from the body using only fruits, vegetables and dairy products without additives such as sugar and syrup. It has become a hot health trend because of the various benefits such as having a light body, smooth bowel activity, and clear skin. Let's find a juice cleanse that is right for the symptoms which we want to treat.


1. A detoxifying juice cleanse for constipation


  Constipation is defined as having fewer and difficult bowel movements. Dietary fiber and water-rich vegetables and fruits are good for constipation. Ingredients : water (100ml), ½ banana, ¼ apple, 3 kale leaves, 2 celery stalks


2. A detoxifying juice cleanse for skin trouble

  Skin troubles can come up when you have eaten high fat, high carbohydrate foods. It is good to eat fruits and vegetables that have a lot of vitamin C, vitamin A and antioxidants. Ingredients : water (150ml), 2 carrots, ¼ apple, 5 cherry tomatoes, cabbage (100g), lemon juice (2t)




3. A detoxifying juice cleanse for diet satiety

  When we are on a diet, we often get hungry. This juice cleanse can help us feel full, and the vegetables and fruits with a lot of dietary fiber can smooth bowel movements and maintain the light body feeling. Ingredients : soy milk (100ml), ½ banana, ½ avocado, 5 almonds, cabbage (100g)


  Detoxifying juice cleanses for each ailment are very simple, delicious and nutritious. They make your body more healthy and pure. Let’s have a light, clear, and confident body.


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