기사 메일전송
The Child in the Parent’s Pocket
  • 박백진 정기자
  • 등록 2017-06-02 08:49:03
  • 수정 2017-06-02 10:48:57
 An adult is someone who is usually over 19 years old. A university student is an adult. Adults can decide for themselves and solve their own problems. However, some parents help children with everything and destroy their independence even though the children are actually adults. We call these parents "helicopter parents," "drone parents," and "snow plow parents." Helicopter parents circle their children, throw themselves into their children’s affairs with enthusiasm and overprotect their children. There are helicopter parents circling the university. Let’s find out about them.

  Helicopter parents are concerned about everything their children do; so they are concerned about their grades, MT, festivals and so on. If their child gets a bad grade, they call the university and complain about it. They also call their friends to try to exclude their children from MT and festivals. In addition, in very serious cases, they call the military. In these ways, helicopter parents tend to interfere in all aspects of their children's lives. It is right for parents to love their children and have an interest in their children. However, if you are concerned with every problem, your child will think it is inconvenient. When their children need help, parents have to help their children, but when they don’t need help, parents are better off not helping. Every parent thinks his or her child wants to be good, but this participation disturbs them.

 What if children are overly dependent on their parents and then become helicopter parents themselves? Some young people are willing to rely on their parents even though they are old enough to have a job. There is even a nickname, "kangaroo parents," which refers to children in their 20s and 30s who depend economically on their parents and live in their parents' shadows. The problem is that they do not take risks and responsibilities in society. In the end, mama’s boys and papa’s girls themselves are producing helicopter parents. It cannot be said that parents are just overly interfering with their children's work. You need to understand that getting all kinds of help from your parents such as getting a good school record, finding a job after graduation, and so on, from primary school to college, and even after graduation makes your life convenient, easy, and natural.

 Then, is the reason we have helicopter parents and a kangaroo generation solely the result of family problems? Are there any social reasons that have helped produce helicopter parents and kangaroo children? In modern society, the employment rate is very low and there are many young unemployed people. Is it not the country causing the unemployment crisis and the resulting economic pressure which make unemployed youths suffer and make them depend on their parents economically more and more? Not only this: It is very difficult to provide housing for young people who are not economically self-sufficient. It even takes a long time before young people can afford to live at a monthly rental house. For this reason, the number of young people who are not getting married is increasing, and that leads to a low birth rate. The various problems are interrelated and produce new social problems.

 However, there are satellite parents who are the opposite of helicopter parents. A satellite is launched into space carried on a rocket and has no effect on the rocket after being launched into the space. Satellite parents are parents who send their children to college, pay just tuition, and do not help with anything else. These parents are parents who watch their children from afar and see their children grow up and live their lives. Satellite parents are seen as ideal parents compared to helicopter parents.

 There is an old saying, “too much is as bad as too little.” Parental attention to the child is natural. However, if the concern is excessive, it will become interference and overprotection, and that interrupts the growth of children. It is no different from a fish trapped in a water tank if the parents control their children until the children become adults and go into society. In addition, children’s endeavors are also necessary to avoid the excessive interference of such parents. It is important to pay your own way and that will have a positive impact on the relationships of parents and children.

Management Editor / KIM YEHEE / marcia65@naver.com 

67th Reporter / PARK BAEKJIN / sd3633@naver.com

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