기사 메일전송
A Visitor Called Rose
  • 김유진 수습기자
  • 등록 2024-05-08 20:01:03

In late spring, flowers arrive like presents. One is called Rose and comes in various colors. Red, yellow, and white, it gives people feelings of love. 

One color means enthusiastic love, one color means pure and innocent, and one color shows friendship. How about remembering the moment of spring through the rose with its various meanings?

When an elegant rose’s petals are red, let’s enjoy the scent of the rose with someone who wants to feel eternal love. With the rose’s floral language, eternal love, the rose will grant the wish. 

If one goes mad for the rose’s beauty and plucks the flowers mindlessly, the green stem will turn red. Just by looking with our eyes, spring smells sweeter. This spring, form a deep relationship by giving a rose to loved ones.  

80th Reporer • KIM YU JIN • yujinkim627@gmail.com

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