기사 메일전송
Haenggung-dong Report
  • 이현서 기자
  • 등록 2024-05-08 19:50:02
 One of the hot spots near Kyonggi University is Haenggung-dong, which is located about 15 minutes away by bus from the main gate of the university. Haenggung-dong has become a bustling place since 2016, with workshops, cafes, and restaurants, following the nationwide trend of “nidan-gil” streets. This area, now mainly called “Haenggung-dong Cafe Street” or “Haengnidan-gil,” first began to attract tourists due to its proximity to Suwon Hwaseong Fortress, prompting various commercial areas to emerge. Gyeonggi Province and the city of Suwon have actively developed Haengnidan-gil by supporting various businesses and events. As a result, Haenggung-dong has become a trendy neighborhood on social media. Shall we explore the charm of Haenggung-dong together?                                                                                                                           

 Suwon Hwaseong Fortress 


 The‌ first‌ stop‌ is‌ Suwon‌ Hwaseong‌ Fortress,‌ the‌ most‌ beautiful‌ architectural‌ structure‌ in‌ Haenggung-dong.‌ During‌ the‌ day,‌ it’s‌ perfect‌ for‌ strolling‌ under‌ the‌ sun,‌ and‌ at‌ night,‌ it‌ creates‌ a‌ romantic‌ atmosphere‌ with‌ lovely‌ lighting.‌ Visiting‌ Suwon‌ Hwaseong‌ Fortress,‌ you’ll‌ see‌ people‌ all‌ walking‌ and‌ chatting‌ under‌ the‌ moonlight.‌ Moreover,‌ Suwon‌ Fortress,‌ surrounding‌ the‌ cityscape‌ with‌ a‌ length‌ of‌ 5.5‌ km,‌ is‌ truly‌ magnificent,‌ especially‌ with‌ the‌ lights‌ illuminating‌ it‌ that‌ create‌ a‌ romantic‌ ambiance.‌ In‌particular,‌ the‌ outer‌ wall‌ of‌the‌ fortress‌ near‌ Haenggung-dong‌ is‌ almost‌ flat,‌ making‌ it‌ perfect‌ for‌ a‌ stroll‌ while‌ enjoying‌ the‌ night‌ view.‌ Just‌ walking‌ here‌ will‌ lift‌ your‌ spirits‌ and‌ offer‌ a‌ breathtaking‌ experience.‌ Why‌ not‌ take‌ a‌ stroll‌ along‌ the‌ outskirts‌ tonight‌ with‌ your‌ loved‌ one?‌ Precious‌ memories‌ are‌ bound‌ to‌ blossom‌ amidst‌ the‌ beautiful‌ lighting‌ of‌ Haenggung-dong.


 Banghwasuryujeong Pond 


 Banghwasuryujeong‌ Pond‌ is‌ a‌ building‌ from‌ the‌ Joseon‌ Dynasty‌ built‌ in‌ 1796,‌ serving‌ as‌ a‌ command‌ post‌ for‌military‌ operations‌ and‌ also‌ functioning‌ as‌ a‌ pavilion‌ to‌ enjoy‌ the‌ scenery.‌ Beneath‌ Banghwasuryujeong,‌ you’ll‌ find‌ a‌ small‌ pond‌ named‌ Yongyeon.‌ Recently,‌ photos‌ of‌ this‌ place‌ have‌ been‌ spreading‌ on‌ Instagram.‌ Indeed,‌ if‌ you‌ visit‌ this‌ place,‌ you’ll‌ easily‌ find‌ many‌ people‌ picnicking‌ on‌ the‌ grassy‌ field‌ surrounding‌ Yongyeon.‌ Enjoying‌ various‌ foods‌ while‌ watching‌ the‌ beautiful‌ scenery‌ is‌ truly‌ a‌ precious‌ experience.‌ After‌ a‌ delightful‌ picnic,‌ proper‌ cleanup‌ is‌ basic‌ etiquette!

 Flying Suwon 

 As‌ you‌ explore‌ Haenggung-dong,‌ you‌ can‌ see‌ a‌ hot‌ air‌ balloon‌ floating‌ in‌ the‌ sky.‌ It‌ is‌ operated‌ by‌ a‌ company‌ called‌ Flying‌ Suwon‌ and‌ it‌ is‌ a‌ helium‌ balloon,‌ not‌ a‌ hot‌ air‌ balloon.‌ It‌ can‌ rise‌ up‌ to‌ 150‌ meters,‌ allowing‌ you‌ to‌ see‌ Suwon‌ Hwaseong‌ at‌ a‌ glance.‌ Isn’t‌ it‌ romantic?‌ It’s‌ a‌ special‌ way‌ to‌ capture‌ the‌ cityscape.‌ The‌ ticket‌ price‌ for‌ adults‌ is‌ 20,000‌ won,‌ and‌ Suwon‌ citizens‌ receive‌ a‌ slight‌ discount.‌ You‌ have‌ to‌ check‌ the‌ operating‌ hours‌ on‌ the‌ website‌ before‌ visiting,‌ especially‌ on‌ weekends,‌ as‌ there‌ may‌ be‌ over‌ an‌ hour’s‌ wait.‌ Weekday‌ visits‌ are‌ recommended‌ to‌ avoid‌ the‌ crowds.

 While‌ this‌ article‌ only‌ introduced‌ the‌ main‌ attractions‌ of‌ Haenggung-dong,‌ exploring‌ the‌ alleyways‌ will‌ reveal‌ many‌ adorable‌ shops‌ that‌ will‌ capture‌ your‌ attention.‌ From‌ cute‌ accessory‌ shops‌ to‌ restaurants,‌ Haenggung-dong‌ is‌ bustling‌ with‌ activity.‌ Moreover,‌ there‌ are‌ beautiful‌ cultural‌ heritage‌ sites.‌ How‌ far‌ does‌ the‌ charm‌ of‌ Haenggung-dong‌ extend?‌ We’ll‌ be‌ looking‌ forward‌ to‌ the‌ future‌ of‌ Haenggung-dong. 

78th Reporter • Lee Hyeon Seo • zzhs00@naver.com

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