기사 메일전송
You Tube: Not Just for Fun!
  • 영자신문편집국장
  • 등록 2017-04-26 13:45:53
  • 수정 2017-05-04 11:22:27

With the development of information technology, you are able to gather a huge amount of information from various sources. One of them is Youtube, the largest video-sharing site in the world. Unlike news shows and newspapers, which pass information on at specific times, Youtube has little restraint on its information con\-veyance, and is able to receive immediate feedback through comments on its videos. Thanks to these factors, Youtube, which was founded in 2005, now has a billion users. As Youtube grew, some netizens constantly contrib\-uted to its contents. These people are called youtubers (Youtube+er), and the Pharos would like to introduce you to three youtubers who upload videos that give you knowledge and information.



LEMMiNO is the maker of a video series called Top 10 Facts. Top 10 Facts is a series that gives 10 interesting facts about a random subject, which is the most wanted content by his viewers. Unlike other Youtube channels, the subjects chosen in this series vary widely from space to love, mysteries to war and holidays to sports, and god knows what he plans to show you next. His channel has more than 80 Top 10 Facts videos. You are able to find information about a topic you like on a single channel without having to search all around Youtube, and every video is of extremely high quality. In addition, the ambience of Top 10 Facts is very comforting. The information is not just formally displayed, there are occasional jokes.


The Backyard Scientist is a channel that experiments with things that its viewers wonder about, and explains the results with scientific theories. As the name of the channel indicates, most of his experiments are done in his backyard. His experiments may not be practical, but he always chooses ones that answer his viewers questions. Other content creaters who experiment do it to prove a scientific fact, but the backyard scientist does it simply to see what happens. His videos are very interesting because he uses excellent equipment like high speed cameras and thermographic cameras, and the experiments generate a lot of smoke and explosions. The explanations about the results are also very well explained. The backyard scientist began experimenting long before his Youtube career started and has had many injuries. However, he does not care and keeps doing what he likes best.


Philosophy Tube teaches philosophy and discusses how to face various problems in life and society. Olly, who manages this channel, decided to give away his knowledge for free when the British government raised tuition fees to three times their normal prices. Channels that teach philosophy usually just summarize famous philosophers' theories. However, Olly’s goal is not just to convey philosophical theories to you, but to make you engage with the world using philosophy. This channel teaches theories of famous philosophers very effectively. Furthermore, it discusses all kinds of significant social problems, and helps you to be thoughtful, giving you your own ideas about social issues. Philosophy Tube has fewer subscribers compared to other popular channels, but its contents are the most edifying.


There are all sorts of other channels on Youtube that give you various knowledge and information. Subscribing to a channel lets you check new videos whenever a creator uploads a video, without having to look it up. Also, Youtube suggests videos that you might be interested in based on your search and view records. You will be a lot smarter when you indulge in informative, inexhaustible videos. KGU students can subscribe to channels related to subjects they are interested in, and broaden their knowledge greatly. Moreover, if you are outstanding in certain fields, why don’t you make your own Youtube channel to create your own contents? You will be able to share your knowledge and communicate with others, and make lots of money if your channel becomes popular!

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