기사 메일전송
Fill in the Blanks in Sentences that Consist of Famous Expressions!
  • 이주행 수습기자
  • 등록 2020-06-01 15:42:18
  • 수정 2020-06-02 10:49:22

 Let’s find out how English expressions are used by filling in the blanks in the following sentences. The sentences consist of famous lines, famous sayings, and common saying. So it is time to check how well you know how English expressions are actually used. You can use each problem’s hint. Let’s go!


1. By the ______ , For the ______, Of the ______.

Hint: president

2. Float like a butterfly, _____ like a bee.

Hint: boxing

3. Can’t ____ my eyes of you.

Hint: song’s name

4. Great power always comes with great ______________.

Hint: Spider-man

5. I think, therefore I __.

Hint: philosopher

6. When in Rome, __ as the Romans do.

Hint: saying


 Did you fill in the blanks in the sentences that consist of famous expressions? Don’t forget that studying how famous expressions are used in English is a good way to improve your English ability. Let’s have fun studying English! 

74th Cub Reporter Lee Joo-Haeng - silkyshine@naver.com

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