기사 메일전송
Is It Fair That Double Majoring Students Have to Apply for Classes Later?
  • 박신의 71기 정기자
  • 등록 2020-06-02 10:49:44


 When the course application period starts, a matter related to the course application of double majors occurs. Presently, Kyonggi University offers three days to apply for courses. The first two days are only for students who have main major and the other day is for both main and double major students. The controversial point is that it is also mandatory for double majoring students to get certain credits like others. This means some classes must be taken, but there are not enough seats to fulfill everyone’s requirements, especially those of double majoring students. These students insist that double majoring students have to be treated the same as main major students, while main major students disagree with them. Main major students insist that the current system is fairer because they are required to get more credits in the major than double majoring students. The Pharos listened to each side’s arguments and the grounds for the arguments, and suggested some ways to resolve this dispute.


Each side, please make your argument clear and brief.


Pro : I think it is reasonable for double majoring students to apply for classes later than single major students.


Con : It is absurd that double majoring students are classified as having different majors than main major students. Therefore, that only the last day is available to them is unfair.


Each side, please present the grounds for your argument.


Pro : First, the current system of accepting double majoring students in our school is different for each department. There are departments that limit the number of students through the characteristics of the department and the percentage of students who have applied for double majors. In addition, every department doesn’t accept all of he students who apply. They control the number of students through interviews or grades. Therefore, I think each department is trying to get an acceptable number of students. In this respect, I believe that even if double majors continue to be managed in the current way, students will be able to apply for a course and take the course. There will be few students who can’t sign up for a class.


Con : First of all, a double major is different than a minor. The minor system requires fewer credits and the application process is simpler. On graduation, the minor is written as such on the diploma. However, a double major requires more credits and qualifications. Certain classes are required in order to graduate for both a main major and a double major. On graduation, each major is presented on the diploma when students have fulfilled every requirement for both majors. This shows there is no hierarchy between the majors. Thus, double major students should be treated the same as main major students, meaning that they should be able to apply for courses on the same days as main major students. To conclude, if majors are classified in the same ways, the same rights must be granted.


Main major: student’s original major

Single major: student has only one major


Each side, please suggest some supportive grounds for your argument.


Pro : Since double majors are chosen after entering the university, most students apply when they want to get a better degree or when they think a single major is not enough. If they really think they don’t fit their departments, they are more likely to change their majors. Therefore, I don't think double majoring students need to be given more consideration than students who major in a single subject in school. If double majoring students are categorized as the same as single major students, this could have an adverse effect on students who only study one major. In conclusion, I believe that since all students in the school do not have double majors, the right of the students who study only one major should be guaranteed first, and then the right of double majoring students should be guaranteed if priority is given when applying for classes.


Con : Whether it is a single or double major, all students choose their majors. Just as single major students are approved for graduation through a legal process by the school, double major students must satisfy the same legal process to be approved by school. This implies that there is no discrimination. Moreover, the minor policy exists as a totally different concept, differentiating between the minor policy and double majoring. This supports the position that the double major has to have at least the same status as the main major.


Please suggest a compromise plan if there is one, and wrap up.


Pro : In fact, one of the biggest reasons that students are dissatisfied with the school’s course application system is that they can’t sign up for the major courses they want. I think there will always be many problems and complaints during the course application period because most students want to apply for popular courses, and everyone has to take required subjects to graduate. Therefore, if the school increases the number of students per class or the number of lectures, I think the complaints will decrease even if students in double majors apply later than single major ones.


Con : Simply guaranteeing the right of double major students to apply for courses at the same time as main major student is the resolution to be adopted. Otherwise in my personal opinion, it would work if there were guaranteed places in courses for double major students on the third day of applying for courses. If the latter suggestion sounds more promising, on the third day, main major students could be prevented from applying for courses.


 Through the discussion above, the opinions of each student can be comprehensively viewed. We cannot hastily judge which is more desirable, but have to understand both sides sufficiently. The point is that both groups of students want to take the classes in their own and other departments they want to take or are required to take, and both groups pay expensive tuition for that right. This goes beyond simply contemplating how to sign up for classes, and should require the school to meet the needs of every student. Furthermore, the school should also try to reflect as many opinions as possible in its consideration of students’ complaints. What do you think about this dispute?


Management EditorCHOI SOYEONclara3003@naver.com

71st ReporterPARK SINUIdean0305@naver.com

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