기사 메일전송
Does the Student Union Fee Have to Exist?
  • 박신의 정기자
  • 등록 2020-04-16 08:41:23

 University students pay not only an enrollment fee, but also a student union fee for each major. The student union fee is not compulsory, yet students are encouraged to pay it. The need for this fee seems reasonable when considering the effort required to hold departmental events and the work of the student union. However, students have begun doubting the necessity of the student union fee because these days students tend not to participate in school events, and there is a controversy about how to use the student union fee. Thus, the Pharos solicited opinions about whether the student union fee has to exist or not.


Do you think the student union fee has to exist?


Student A : If we are not forced to pay it, and it is managed with transparency, I think it has to exist.


Student B : I have considered this matter since I was a freshman. I don’t think it needs to exist.


Why do you think like that?


Student A : First of all, there are many events held by the school and student union, and the school could not afford to do it for every department without the student union fee. The events mostly aim to form friendly relationships between seniors and juniors. Additionally, they can relieve academic stress. University is a place where students can experience community life and build a variety of relationships. It is not just for studying. For these non-academic experiences, events and businesses managed by the student union are required. To carry out such work well, a proper budget is mandatory. Therefore, I think the student union fee needs to exist.


Student B : I have not received anything back that corresponds to the student union fees I’ve paid. Snack businesses and departmental events are okay, but if someone can’t attend events or even participates in all events, I do not think they are worth the fee. In addition, for a couple of years, the clarity of the account book has been problematic. Frankly speaking, if the account book had remained transparent and fair, this debate would not have happened. Once the trust was broken, I didn’t want to pay the student union fee. Maybe many students will agree with this opinion. Given this situation, does the student union fee really need to exist?


What do you think of the other person’s argument?


Student B : We need student union fees to hold academic events and maintain student councils. I understand and know the need. If student union fees exist, there will be a lot of work done to improve students’ welfare. However, if you think about how many students are currently attending events and how many are benefitingfrom the events, is the fee really necessary? Now that there’s no coercion and individualism is becoming more prevalent, I don’t think it’s a problem that can be solved simply by holding events. Of course, you can say that we should hold events to break down individualism and strengthen our solidarity, but I can’t help but look at it negatively. In addition, the details of student union fee use are reported through the general meeting, but I think it should be made public in a common format.


Student A : I understand. I agree that there is less and less participation, and that individualism is becoming more prevalent. However, I have a slightly different opinion about your belief that you did not receive corresponding benefits. I believe that if you actively participate in events or projects held by the student council, you can experience and learn various things that do not translate into money, such as forming relationships or living in a community. I think it’s a little premature to just judge that there’s not much to do without participating. In addition, the more students participate, the more the school will be able to hold advanced and beneficial events and businesses. I think it is too much to ask for the elimination of student membership fees based on the participation rate. If the student union fee is too high, we can adjust it. With regard to the accounting books, we can also adopt more advanced disclosure methods for transparent disclosure. However, it’s a hasty conclusion to say that there’s no need for the fee to exist at all.


Do you have an alternative?


Student A : First of all, it is necessary to secure the transparency of the accounting books and regain students’ trust by improving the way they are released. Essentially, it is important to help students understand the purpose and effect of the businesses and events so they will be able to recognize them positively. I’ve thought about getting more support from the school, but I don’t think it’s a viable alternative because tuition is feared to increase.


Student B : We’re already paying voluntarily, not by compulsion. It’s my consistent belief that the fee shouldn’t exist, but if it has to, I think it should be accompanied by a corresponding benefit for every student who makes a voluntary payment. As you said earlier, additional school support may soon lead to higher tuition fees, so it’s better not to consider it. I think if we use a reasonable method to make the budget and do not collect excessive union fees, students will change their minds. Of course, a transparent accounting release should precede that. I think student union fees should disappear if these conditions are not met.


As we can see from this debate in which we discussed the pros and cons of student union fees, we cannot conclude that either position is right or wrong. All the ideas and opinions of each position make logical sense. Also, both sides have the same desire to see the school go in a better direction. Therefore, instead of stubbornly sticking to one side of the argument or the other, it is necessary to come up with a satisfactory consensus and wisely resolve the problems that “student union fees” have.


71st ReporterPARK SINUIdean0305@naver.com

74th Cub ReporterYOO HYUNGJINyoo9428@naver.com

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