기사 메일전송
Strap on a Knapsack and Go Out!
  • 이가은 기획부장
  • 등록 2019-09-03 15:51:14
  • 수정 2019-09-03 15:51:39


 If we get asked what we have to do as college students, one of the answers would definitely be to take a backpacking trip. A backpacking trip is perceived of as an essential experience for university students in Korea. It is also common for students to work in a part-time job to gather sufficient money to go on backpacking trips. Why do students want to go on backpacking trips even when it means spending a lot of money and time? Also, what can you learn from a backpacking trip? The Pharos interviewed a graduate and a current student of Kyonggi University to find out.




Q. Please introduce yourself and your travel destination.


SoHyeon: My name is Kwon Sohyeon, a graduate of the Department of English Language and Literature of Kyonggi University. I have been to Tokyo, Fukuoka, Taipei, Canada, Busan and Jeju. Also, I have been to Europe on package trips that provided the airplane tickets and hotel reservations.


Male student: I am a 25-year-old male student that is now studying in Kyonggi University. I’ve traveled to Europe, India, Africa, and South-East Asia for 7 to 8 months.


Q. What made you decide to go on a backpacking trip?


SoHyeon: I went on a backpacking trip because of my father’s education style. He said if I didn’t have the experience of going on a trip by myself, I would become dependant. I planned to go on a backpacking trip with my sister when I was in high school so that I could travel with my father’s economic support.


Male student: I had a lot of worries about my major before joining the army. I wanted to organize my worries, but I couldn’t. Therefore, I thought it was better to take time off from school and seek out what I really wanted to do rather than go to school in these circumstance; so I planned a trip.


Q. Please tell us about the difficulties you experienced when planning your backpacking trips.


SoHyeon: I had a lack of information at first, so I had a lot of difficulties. Then I went to a bookstore, bought a book, and searched the internet to gather information. After I arranged my plans using the Excel program, I made a travel book so that I could check transportation options and the locations of travelling spots quickly during the trip. Nowadays, I can use smartphones to find information and book hotels conveniently, so I don’t have difficulties.


Male student: The first difficulty was financial things. It was a long trip, so it required a lot of money. Also, I had started making a detailed plan for the trip, but I gave up because it was impossible to make very detailed plans.


Q. Please introduce some of the serious circumstances that you encountered during your backpacking trips.


SoHyeon: The difficult situation during the backpacking trip that I experienceed was being not able to communicate because of a language barrier. When I went on a backpacking trip to Busan, I stayed in a hostel where four people shared one room. However, the people I shared the room with were travellers from China. The roommates talked in a loud voice, and it was a struggle for me because I was so tired due to the tough trip. However, I suddenly thought, “Though I am a Korean, these people came a long way visit to Busan.” I realized that I was wrong to be overpatriotic about being Korean. It was a great chance to get feedback about myself, and I also could understand the fact that having time to think deeply about myself is the purpose of travel for many people.


Male Student: I experienced a lot of difficult circumstances, but the Tanzanian circumstance is the most memorable situation. One day, when I went back to my lodging with food, I was accosted by fake cops. Six to seven persons told me I’d violated the law, so I had to go to a police station. However, when I arrived there, the place was like a supermarket. In there, they said, “If you pay a penalty, we will just release you this time.” I was scared at first. However, I said, “I’ll call the Korean embassy and talk with a person there.” Then they told me that they would just let me go this time.


Q. What is the most memorable thing that happened during your trips? and why?


SoHyeon: I remember some unexpected lucky coincidences that I experienced during a trip. Because of a hotel’s mistake, I was given an upgraded 5-star room, and once I ate at famous restaurant for free. I think since travelling is an escape from our daily routines and a chance to experience new stuff in new places, such small things are much more memorable.


Male student: When I was young, I thought, “Someday, I will go to a desert” after reading The Little Prince. When I was in the Sahara, I was reading the book again, ant and sky was getting dark, so I ate some food and went out. Then I saw that the stars were literally “overflowing.” That is my most impressive experience from my travels.


Q. Please introduce your own travel tips and anything else you would like to tell us about your trips.


SoHyeon: I recommend saving all the places you want to visit on Google Maps before you leave. If you save a place on Google Maps, it will tell you where you are without using mobile data, so you can easily

get to your destination. In addition, when you purchase a ticket, I suggest booking a direct flight unless you want to be exhausted when you arrive there. The effect that travel had on me was breaking out from a stereotype. Though the world that we face through the media is often dramatic and negative, after you travel, you will know that the real world is just a place where people live as we do.


Male Student: Don’t plan in detail. Prioritize places to visit, but if it happens that you can’t go to some place, don’t regret it too much. You can stay one day more or just leave. It is not the best trip if you try to go to all the places that everyone goes to. I hope you don’t measure the success of your trip by the number of places you visit. Backpacking is a memorable experience because of minor things like meeting people and all the things you enjoy on your trip, but if you go to Paris, go to the Eiffel Tower. My trips didn’t change my life. English conversation is still difficult, and I have come back to school. However, now I look at my photo albums whenever I have a hard time, and when I remember those happy times, I think my travels were not meaningless experiences.


 The Pharos listened to the stories of students who have experienced backpacking. The purpose of a trip is different from one person to another. However, the first thing everyone should consider is their own safety. Also it may be too late to travel when you get a job, so the Pharos hopes you will go on your own journey even if you are tired when you have a vacation.

Planning Editor•LEE GAEUN antonia0504@naver.com
73rd Cub Reporter•KIM YOONSEONG bosoonge00@gmail.com

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