기사 메일전송
The Absence System for Menstruation: Problems and Solutions
  • 박백진 기획부장
  • 등록 2017-11-13 16:03:04


 Menstrual cramps, which are uncomfortable for some women once a month, cause great pain for other women. If the cramps are too severe, they might go to a hospital or vomit. Therefore, for the female students who can’t live a normal life during menstruation, the university introduced the “absence system for menstruation.” The purpose of the system is to protect the right of health and maternity protection of female students, but calls for the abolition of the system have been steadily rising due to indiscriminate use and reverse discrimination. Some schools abolished the system after just a few semesters. As a result, women who use the absence system have become uncomfortable. In the school community magazine “Kyonggiup,” you can see that articles are consistently posted on the subject of “Is it necessary to use the absence system?” Is it the answer to abolish the system because of the abuse of it?


In 2006, the Ministry of Education announced plans to recognize menstruation absences as class days. Since that year, more and more universities have introduced the “menstruation absence system.” It is a system that allows a student who absent from class because she is suffering from menstrual cramps to receive credit for attendance. You can apply for the absence system for menstruation only once per month and only three times a semester. In vacation periods, it is only available once per period. Applications must be issued and submitted within 7 days of the absence and are not valid during the test period. You must print the form and submit it to your professor so that the attendance is acknowledged. Please check your professor’s opinion in advance because some professors do not acknowledge it.


Because students are concerned about this issue, the Pharos listened to the ideas of Kyonggi University students regarding the menstruation pain system. We conducted a questionnaire of 85 students at Kyonggi University. Also, we interviewed three students to listen to more detailed stories. Most of the respondents knew about the absence system. However, 48% of the respondents said that they had a negative opinion about it. Also, 67% of the students did not think that the system in our school was being used for that purpose.


Most of the respondents answered that they saw many abuse cases. Because of this problem, many students said they were not satisfied with the absence system for menstruation. According to the survey, 63% of the students thought that our school’s system was not well managed. Next, let’s take a closer look at the views of three students.


“I am ashamed, but more than 90% of students seem to abuse the menstruation absence system,” said a student who is a sophomore studying management. She said she used it because she wanted to go to an amusement park with her friends. She dropped out of a class on that day, and then printed out the class absence for menstruation. Also, she said, “The professor received it without saying anything, but almost professors in her major seem not to accept it.”


A Kyonggi University male student went back to the dormitory with an older female classmate. While there, the female student said she didn’t want to go class the next day, so she would use menstruation absence excuse. He said to her, “You’re very shrewd.” Because of that incident, he thinks females who use the absence system for menstruation aren’t sick really. He even says, “All absences for menstruation are feigned illnesses.”


However, there is a female student who has to use the menstruation absence system. This student’s menstrual pain is severe, so she can’t sleep well. Also, she went to the emergency room because her blood pressure dropped and she fainted. Since then, she has had a

fear of menstruation. During this period, she has to take painkillers and stay at home.


As a result, some female students’ abuse of absence system for menstruation has created a bad situation for someone who is really sick. There are some professors who don’t accept absence for menstruation excuse or receive only accept it once during a semester. This professor’s reason is misuse by the students.


How can we preserve the system and remove negative awareness of it? If you use the system for your convenience, you will hurt other students who become really sick. If this misuse continues, many students will have a bad feeling about the menstruation absence

system. In other words, you need to consider other students, not just your enjoyment and convenience. Furthermore, if you use the menstruation absence system, you can’t attend a lecture, so you will fall behind. Also, the school must give sufficient notice about misuse of the menstruation absence system to students. For example, the school could explain about the menstruation absence system in the school guidance book given at the beginning of new semester. Also, there are many different standards; professors need to coordinate it with students.


The absence for menstruation system has many problems and negative opinions associated with it. There is no clear enforcement, so we have to act with conscience. Also, the school has to continuously seek solutions to the problems and reduce the number of students who abuse the system. Finally, it is a very important problem related to grades, so we have to pay attention to it.

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