기사 메일전송
Tips for Making Foreign Friends
  • 조연우 기자
  • 등록 2022-09-02 13:39:47
  • 수정 2024-02-26 11:35:29

 Foreign exchange students can be easily found throughout the university. However, initiating a conversation with them can be difficult. Here are some easy and simple conversational expressions that you can use in daily life in order to make new friends!

Let's do lunch.

Meaning “Let’s eat together next time.”

Do you need a hand?

In this expression, “hand” means “help.” You can use this when someone needs assistance.

I’m hungover.

You can use this when you are feeling sick from drinking too much.

Come along.

Used to ask someone to do something together.

It’s on me.

It means, “I will pay.” This is usually used for food or drinks.

Let’s keep in touch.

When you want to keep communicating with your friend in the future.

That blows my mind.

When you want to express admiration, surprise, and even ridiculousness.

It’s a piece of cake.

When you want to emphasize that something is easy.

Chin up!

Words of support.

I need some space.

When you want to be alone for a little while.

77th Reporter • JOE YEON WOO • amyjoe0213@naver.com

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